MAP monitoring for brands
Combating Price Dumping in Online Stores

- MAP control on sites
- Market Dumping Control
- Website MSRP monitoring
- Price Dumping Elimination
- Price control in online stores
- Monitoring compliance with MAP/MSRP by clients

We always know exactly in which online stores and marketplaces your products are sold

We parse prices on any site from once a day to once every 15 minutes

We can accurately determine which of your partners was the first to violate your pricing policy

We can not only detect dumping and sale of fakes, but also effectively deal with it

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Price monitoring in online stores

How the service works

Our site for monitoring prices in online stores

Price monitoring in online stores

Program for monitoring prices in online stores

Price monitoring of online stores


14 days


  • up to 10 products
  • up to 200 conditional
  • positions
  • up to 20 sites


$119 /month
  • up to 2 000 conditional positions
  • number of sites -
  • - unlimited


$239 /month
  • up to 5 000 conditional positions
  • number of sites -
  • - unlimited


$349 /month
  • up to 10 000 conditional positions
  • number of sites -
  • - unlimited
Do you need a monitoring volume of more than 10,000 conditional positions?

Book a consultation with a specialist

Price Control online price monitoring

Feedback from our clients

Худоназарова Майя Михайловна
Khudonazarova Maya Mykhailivna Head of the marketing department "SAN TECH RAI"

Dear partner! We express our gratitude to the team of the Price Control service for their professional approach to their work, for their promptness and competent attitude to work during the entire period of our cooperation. We wish you new grateful customers and rapid development.

Pavlichenko Maxim Business unit Director Batteries, VARTA Consumer Batteries

Our representative office does not sell products. Importers work, and we help them build a profitable business.

For a long time, the problems of pricing on the Internet did not concern us directly. With the advent of our products in large online stores, the issue of dumping has become acute.

There were no free "hands" at the representative office, we decided to find them on the side. At the beginning of 2017, they gave the Pricecontrol project one store to work on. They completely removed our trademarks from it. By the end of 2017, 40 stores were put into operation. In five months, the guys completely leveled the situation in them.

Today we have entered a new stage of cooperation. Pricecontrol employees themselves find violators of our pricing policy and automatically include them in the work. Now the situation with dumping in the Internet channel is controlled and is constantly improving. Of the special advantages of the project, I can note that we pay only for the result achieved.

Лого ТМ Либертон
Viktor Hurudghi Wholesale Purchasing Manager LIBERTON,LLC

Compliance with recommended retail prices is very important for our business. We cannot afford to neglect this issue and let this process take its course.

For some time we tried to monitor prices on our own, but we realized that it took a lot of time and the results were questionable.

We contacted Price Control in 2022, and we have been cooperating for about two years now. During this time, the situation with price compliance has changed radically for the better. According to the reports and statistics, you can see who and when violated the price. The reports and service are informative and easy to use. Today we monitor about 17 of the largest stores.

The monitoring system facilitates the work of price compliance and makes it effective.

Along with monitoring, we also get market research (parsing), received an informative report in a convenient form.

We are satisfied with the work of the Price Control company, we will continue to cooperate.

Also want to point out the high competence of the employees and the head of the company.

Залепуго Андрей
Andrey Zelepugo Brand CYCLON, LLC "AVTOLOK"

At the beginning of 2016, we decided to control retail prices in the Internet space. We found guys who offered to automate this process. We were satisfied with the trial result and at the moment we are monitoring most of the IMs, including stores at PROM.

However, I note that knowing about the situation on the market and having a controlled situation are not the same thing.

The control system REALLY makes it easier to find dumping shops, but it does not fix prices.

To really maintain the MAP/ MSRP, the daily work of a manager is necessary, who will ring up stores with an underestimated (or overpriced) price.

Иванченко Андрей
Ivanchenko Andrey Grigorievich Head of Marketing and Sales Department, MSS Ukraine LLC

Back in 2016, we began cooperation with the project team. More than a year used only the monitoring service. We regularly received reports and tried on our own to influence violators of retail recommended prices. There was an effect, but it took a very long time to influence the violators. Work on influencing violators through our dealers did not give a real result. Our employees did not have enough time to work with online stores. There were still violations.

By the end of 2017, they actually planned to abandon the service. In November 2017, we decided to use the “Antidumping” service. Already in the first month of work, dumping fell several times. By outsourcing the work of influencing violators, we freed up the working time of our employees and got a certain result thanks to the perseverance of the Antidumping project team.

After six months of cooperation, less than 5% of the total number of our clients work on the Internet at low prices. Significantly reduced calls to the marketing and sales department from our partners about the violation of retail prices by others.

In general, we are satisfied with the result. We are also pleased that the project management is ready for quick and flexible changes for its regular customers.

Гощук Роман
Roman Goshchuk Accent Electronic, data analyst

Accent Electronic is the main national provider of solutions in the field of IT, telecommunications, construction and energy in the Republic of Moldova.

Working since 1991, we have become the largest distributor in Moldova and in the region, uniting about 70 world brands. The volume of price analytical information on numerous commodity items has grown so much that it required the allocation of a separate structural unit, as well as partial automation of the process of collecting price information, both for retail and wholesale prices.

Thanks to Price Control, we managed to solve not only the task of daily collecting information on hundreds of items from dozens of online stores, with absolute accuracy and the practical absence of significant errors, but also to fully automate many processes for collecting price and configuration information on key commodity items.

The management of the Price Control company met us halfway and agreed to carry out the difficult work of developing unique tools that we successfully use to compete in the current crisis.

Cooperation with Price Control helps to increase the efficiency of the brand management team by providing timely price information and ensuring constant monitoring of the market.


frequently asked questions

Часто задаваемые вопросы

We collect prices daily on the websites of online stores and marketplaces.

From you, we receive information about the MAP/ MSRPs and MSRPs installed today.

Our system compares the prices of sites with those set by you. The result of the comparison is visible in your personal account and in the reports that we send you by e-mail.

Price controls on the Internet must be consistent. The absence of dumping today does not guarantee that it will not appear tomorrow.

To search for dumping, we must first find all the sellers of your goods on the Internet.

This is what our brand representation search service does. Next, we set up the collection of prices for all your sellers.

After identifying all the sellers that are important for your business, we monitor their prices, monitor the MAP on your website and identify dampers.

Price controls on the Internet should take place regularly. The absence of dumping today does not guarantee that it will not appear tomorrow. 

Most sellers on the Internet do not hide their prices from potential buyers. On the contrary, by all available means they are trying to show them to their customers in the most favorable light.

We do price collection – we monitor prices from the pages of marketplaces and online stores completely legally, acting like any interested consumer of the goods of these sites.

We simply automate the monitoring of prices for the entire offer of goods on the Internet, monitoring the prices of competitors for these goods and displaying them in reports convenient for commodity producers in your personal account.

Price dumping in the Internet channel is a fairly common phenomenon for the market today. Non-compliance with the RRP / MRP due to the importation of parallel imports or trade in counterfeit goods is not at all uncommon, both in individual online stores and on marketplaces.

Dumping the price market is a very dangerous phenomenon for any supplier to the Internet channel. Information about the dampinger will become known to every Internet sales participant in a few hours. After the first player, the price of the second will collapse, followed by the third, and so on until a complete collapse.

The product will be sold with a minimum margin, and after a while market leaders will begin to refuse it – those who spend a lot on marketing and sell a lot. Instead of sales growth, there will be a rejection of your goods by the main players. Serious work will be required to protect your intellectual property rights on the Internet.

The most important thing is to understand the reason for dumping in online stores.

Often, it is enough to simply inform the dumping site about the presence of MAP/ MSRPs or MRPs for working in the Internet channel.

It happens that sites work with contraband or counterfeit goods. In this case, simple exhortations are not enough. You need activities to protect your brand – claim work and appeal to law enforcement agencies. – claim work and appeal to law enforcement agencies.

Shops dump prices for very different reasons. Dumping shop on purpose or by accident, what is its today’s goal will help you to determine our article “Dumping from A to Z” Next, I will give several possible options.

Often stores no longer sell your product, but do not change prices on product cards.

There are cases when sites use dumping on your brand to get traffic to their site and try to switch visitors to buy goods from other manufacturers.

Not infrequently, stores enter into price wars with their competitors and dump your assortment.

The exact reason can be found out only after a detailed analysis of market prices and negotiations with the trading platform

The minimum retail price (MAP) and the minimum recommended price (MSRP) most often mean the same thing.

There is no fundamental difference between these terms. Historically, one organization or industry tends to use one term more often than another.

Accordingly, the control over compliance with the MAP and MSRP is the same procedure.

Our service has extensive experience in solving such problems.

The question of how to monitor prices in online stores cannot be answered unambiguously. There are many ways – from manually bypassing sites to complex automatic price monitoring systems. The choice of method will largely depend on the task that is set for monitoring prices and the budget that you are ready to allocate for this.

We offer our customers a full range of price control on the Internet. From searching for sites selling your TM to regular parsing of prices from them. We ourselves do the comparison (matching) of your products with the products of the sites. For the convenience of work, we provide a Personal Account with many reports and a history of prices on the market.

To order a service, contact us!

About monitoring the prices of online stores

MAP monitoring using AI

Price monitoring in online stores for brands is the process of regularly collecting prices from the pages of online stores, marketplaces and price aggregators with further checking them for compliance with the manufacturer’s sales policy. Price monitoring can be done manually or using special software - a site price parser. It is much more convenient to entrust automatic monitoring of prices of partners and competitors to professionals who are familiar with all the intricacies of price parsing on the Internet.

Price control in online stores is the process of examining and comparing data from the systematic collection of prices, promotions, discounts, gifts, free shipping, and store availability in order to determine the true cost of purchasing goods by the end consumer at each site.

Brands and their authority are built over the years. Large expenditures of effort and money are spent on their promotion and promotion.

Interest in your products from the retail side is determined by their possible sales volume and guaranteed margin. Pricing based on a transparent sales policy becomes a significant competitive advantage. The rapid development of online commerce has led to new opportunities in promoting your products to new countries and regions. A negative vector for the development of your sales on the Internet can bring dumping on your products from some Internet sites. MAP/ MSRP control, MRP control makes it possible to timely detect violations of your pricing policy on the Internet.

We will help you find all the "negligent" sellers of your products in a timely manner and regularly monitor their impact on prices on the Internet.

We can also conduct a control purchase for you at a site that violates the terms of sale of your TM. This will allow you to find out the channels for your brands to enter the Internet and punish those responsible for violating the policy.

You can order a control purchase or MAP monitoring by contacting us in any way convenient for you.